Engagement & Competencies

Presentation of the platform

This Engagement & competencies platform allows students to identify and evaluate the competencies acquired during engagement.

It is equally suitable for students who have just started engaging or for those who are further along in their engagement journey.

It offers definitions, resources and exercises to help you identify and evaluate your competencies.

The competencies and soft skills used on this platform are the result of the combination of the European projects « Elene4work » and European STEP.

To start, click on the option that best describes your situation. 

  • « I have previously been actively engaged, either over a period of time or as a once -off,  but I now have difficulty recollecting everything I’ve done ». If this is your position, you may click here to sum up your engagement.
  • « I have previously been actively engaged, either over a  period of time or as a once -off, and I remember everything I’ve had done but I am unsure if I have acquired skills or competencies ».  If this is your position, you may click here to identify your competencies.
  • if you want to have further information on the field of student engagement, you may click here to have better insight of the subject.

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